Warthunder Object 906 Repair Cost Too High

About War Thunder

War Thunder is a thrilling massive multiplayer game that can be played cross platform for absolutely free. This free game gives players the option to take place in massive military battles on land, in the air, or at sea with friends all over the world. Choose from over 1,000 vehicle with a huge a variety of weapons and combat situations. Download the free game War Thunder on PC or Mac, Playstation, or XBox and get ready to be a part of one of the most comprehensive military games ever made.


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Founded: 2002



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  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Bad game"

    Posted 2021-10-17

    Pros: Nothing.
    This game has nothing going for it that makes it enjoyable for more than 30 minutes at any level of gameplay.

    Cons: Everything.
    Developers can't decide how much they want to screw over their entire player-base with every update.
    Shell physics are terrible, sheet metal can stop shells at the right angle.
    Lower graphics presets render less so you have a competitive advantage.
    Anti-cheat system is terrible and doesn't work.
    Every time gaijin offers to work with the community, it is extremely restrictive and the choices are terrible.

    Overall: Terrible game experience at all levels.
    The game sucks more and more of your soul as you play more and more of it.
    Avoid it like the plague.
    Gaijin is very much focused on a one step forward, thirty steps back deal.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Could be brilliant but trips over it's own shoelaces in the end"

    Edited 2021-10-16

    Pros: Free Game if you want it to be.
    Addictive game play on earlier levels .Good attempt at making a realistic tank /Aircraft game in some areas.
    Good attention to detail in some places.

    Cons: Not entirely suited to consoles Xbox/PS Puts you up against PC Players.
    No WW2 only mode makes for a bizarre mix of old and modern tanks which makes a mockery of any previous attempts at realism.
    Steep learning curve which may make some players leave in droves early on.
    Total inability to see the person who just killed you, making death seem totally random, spacial awareness for the player is poor. Tank wars ruined somewhat by aircraft in later stages.
    Very dodgy billing service, tells you transactions didn't go through and to try again but money was taken first time and you keep making attempts and Gaijin keep taking the money. Only my banking app saved me on that one.

    Overall: Criticism for this game is not based on how bad it is but how good it could be if the makers could be bothered. The Amazing attention to physics detail regarding armour, ballistics and tank modeling is overshadowed by a lame level system that will send you out in a mixed team of Axis and Allied tanks, form all eras in some random map which may be WW2 or Modern, so be prepared to see your WW2 Tiger Tank in the Jungles of 70s Vietnam fighting, 1970s Amx's and British Centurions etc. This becomes more pronounced at tier 5 and ridiculous at tier 6.
    Aircraft also ruin this game in Tier 5 simply hitting you with a "Game over strike for no fault other than simply being on the map as does being sniped at from miles away by players you cannot physically see. It becomes tiresome.
    I payed to play this game up to Level 5 but it's an abrupt and sudden "No more" from me. Play this game but DO NOT PAY. It's ultimately not worth it. It's a good free game but ruined by lame and lazy developers.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Tank battles part : Pay to win"

    Posted 2021-10-16

    Pros: This game was a lot of fun to begin with, good graphics, very immersive. Controls are easy enough, etc.

    Cons: But it seems as you progress, and ironically research and develop better tanks, the game becomes HARDER, not easier?? I used to be able to get hit several times, repair it, then go back in again for battle. Now after climbing to the 5th rank, I get killed in one shot. This occurs almost every time, even with a Crusader tank. Now I spend more time travelling from the spawn point to the ensuing battle. Not only that but with the capture points located midpoint, and traveling at full pace, the opponent always seems to have captured it first and then you're just a sitting duck for them to pick you off. I've kept persisting, trying different tactics but the gameplay suddenly feels very one-sided, which is not really that fun.

    Overall: Few days worth of fun. After that, don't expect too much. It's a shame really. It looks like it has the potential to be a great game. But the uneven "battles" destroys the fun factor. The only conclusion I can come to is that it's a more of a "pay to win" game, bit like Heroes and Generals was. The only problem is that I'm not prepared to pay to find out... So nice try developers.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?


    Posted 2021-10-09

    Pros: Cool vehicles, nice graphics, Easy To Find Money [ Silver Lion ].

    Yeah, these are all pros for this game ]

    Cons: - Broken Matchmaker
    - Broken Repair Cost System
    - Broken Battle Rate System
    - Server dead many times

    Overall: This game is absolutely unplayable
    - Gaijin they never care their player base
    - You always get uptier [ Fight stronger enemy vehicle ]
    - A lot of premium vehicle spam [ They always spawn only time ] that make game unplayable
    - Overpowered Russian tank [ Premium T-72AV 10.0 material but get 9.7 br. ]
    - Nonsense nerf [ Ammo Stabilizer Engine Power ETC. ]
    - Broken Battle Rate System [ Sample : M4A3E2 76W Get BR 6.3 because braindead german player can't fight them | That mean if jumbo get uptier It's will fight Leopard 1 ]
    - Broken Matchmaker [ I play tank BR 7.7 10 times , Every match I get Uptier to 8.3 - 8.7 and then i play 8.7 tank I always get full uptier to 9.7 ]
    - Nonsense Repair cost [ Sample T95 cost 19K sl to repair and yes most of enemy can penetrate your bront armor / Enemy plane will bomb you. ]
    - I play this game for 6 years. Gaijin didn't care about this problem.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Revamp it"

    Posted 2021-08-31

    Pros: Gameplay is fun, graphics are good, tanks are cool, ships are cool, planes are cool. Fun events.

    Cons: Ghost shells, illogical ricochet and non-penetration, bad matchmaking, expensive repair cost, historical maps( it's unfair since the other side has advantages like enemies have covers while my team don't), a ww2 ho-ro can beat a Abrams tank ( illogical as fuck ), spawn-killing.

    Overall: The game is fun but the developers do not care about the players which is why the game only has 3.8 ⭐


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "A broken game not worth playing"

    Posted 2021-08-18

    Pros: Lots of vehicles, MOSTLY realistic (or use to be), only game of its kind out there. Graphics are nice but bomber cockpits are basic and not finished.

    Cons: Overpriced prem vehicles, all conversations are basically highway robbery, too many mechanics in the game are either broken or not finished and the devs refuse to fix/finish them. They released a F-5 and charged $60 for it... stealing the wallet right out of our pockets... and people fell for it... very sad.

    Overall: Just stay away from this game. The only reason i get on it from time to time is because i have put too much time into the game not to keep going now.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Best game I've played "

    Posted 2021-08-14

    Pros: There is a lot of pros going into this game starting with the graphics. If you have a really good pc you can crank those graphical settings up to the maximum. Even if you have a bad pc or laptop (also pc) the game is still playable on lower settings and the game still looks good.

    There are more than 1900 vehicles in-game. If you spend the time you'll most definitely get your favourite vehicle. If you don't have time a lot of time to spend in-game that is alright for War Thunder doesn't punish you for it.

    The organization of the tech trees is balanced and fair. The br system is quite smart to keep the matches organized and fair. It also makes queue times for most game modes really short.

    The tank modes are really realistic.

    Able to play the game without spending any money.

    Cons: Aside from bugs, helicopters are a little unfair to play against. Most of the time at top tier a ka50 (p2w heli). Will rush the battlefield and take out half of a team. Other times they'll sit 10km away from the battle.

    Another con is the ability for any player to take out their credit card and buy their way to the top. These players will buy the way to the top and start to play there and get killed over and over and then they go cry in the forums because of their lack of experience. These players in some ways ruin matches.

    Overall: War Thunder is a fun free to play game if you're looking for realism. War Thunder is a game I have almost 3000 hours in. It's a game I really enjoy playing. I've made so many good memories with the game and would highly recommend it. It may get hard at times to keep playing or keep pushing, but trust me, it's worth it to push forward. Have fun and try and have a good time.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?


    Posted 2021-07-20

    Pros: Realistic tanks and visual effects, wide variety of vehicles from 9 country's and i my opinion no pay to win.

    Cons: Armor penetration system especially for Italy, The Italian tanks from 3.3 can't pen anything and because of this it ruined one of my favorite tanks (Fiat-Ansaldo P40).

    Overall: My experience with war thunder started fun and exciting but until i know more and more about the game and found some techtrees have massive problems like low armor and penetration which you see 2 BRs lower and are almost impossible to play like the P40 from the italian techtree and the Challenger from the British techtree and you sometimes fight modern tanks in WWII tanks which is completely unfair . If you really like tanks and want to see the their virtual glory then this is your game but you get a shit gameplay system with that. Thats why i give it three stars for the tanks the other two stars are for the game play thats why they aren't colored yellow.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Greed has ruined a potentially good game."

    Posted 2021-07-19

    Pros: Tank graphics.
    That's the only pro I can think of with this game, it's was mildly fun at first but unfortunately the greed of the Gaijin has just put people off.

    Cons: Everything about the way this game is set up to make you pay is a con.
    Match ups are terrible.
    Grind is boring and a waste of time.
    Repair costs too high, especially as you go to higher tiers.
    Costs to purchase tanks and mods at higher tiers are ridiculous.

    Overall: I had fun at first and paid for premium a few times which helped a little with building up some silver lions.
    After a while, it's just the same boring maps and the same routines with the same bad match ups.
    Also, strange how I stopped paying premium and now I find it hard to get a kill. I seem to get one shot killed often and I rarely can get a one shot kill now. The silver lions I had built up are evaporating fast!


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Fun if you like losing"

    Posted 2021-07-10

    Pros: Good array of vehicles, can be fun, often frustrating, you will have long losing streaks, 9-15 in a row interspersed with the odd win.

    Cons: You will lose a lot and be constantly mismatched. Gaijan will want you to spend real money on premium items in the hopes you think it will make you a better player.

    Overall: Free game means you lose in the end, yes it's worth a premium account but don't get fooled into buying extras.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Lately massive loss of Silver Lions, never free to play!"

    Posted 2021-06-21

    Pros: The graphics look pretty good. When you don't buy premium time with real money you can't play this game anymore!

    Cons: Despite the good graphics the gameplay because of Gaijin's greed destroys everything and just frustrates you. Instead of being grateful for already spending more than 500 $ on War Thunder, Gaijin will sentence you if you dare to stop spending real money on their game. Not officially, but in disguise and secretly. They will never let you play this game for free even if you already have invested more than 500 $ like I did!!! YOU WILL NEVER PLAY FOR FREE! It's clear that the Gaijin staff observes you while playing and the persons who dare to stop paying for a so called "free to play" game get put into useless bot teams who will make you lose most of the battles. That creates a massive loss of silver lions. It's all controlled. When you dare to stop buying premium time you will play arcade battles against the Gaijin Staff with their modified and overpowered special tanks or fighters. You get one shot killed most of the time while asking yourself why you mostly aren't able to one shot kill your adversary. They also modify your hit detection so that Gaijin employees will always win against you. And you lose your silver lions.

    Lately Gaijin has changed their economy system . Now you lose silver lions during arcade battles although you have killed 4 tanks and just lost only one tank of yours. All you need is to lose the match then your silver lions roll away. Now it's very easy to lose 100.000 Silver Lions in just a half hour during arcade tank battles. Thanks to Gaijin's new economy system you will need 5 hours of playing to get the lost 100.000 Silver Lions back again. But only when the Gaijin staff shows some mercy and let you win. It's all rigged. All adjusted to frustrate you!

    Overall: Since 2016 I play this game and the most of the tanks and fighters I have unlocked during that period of time can't be used because of their high repair costs. All unlocked for nothing, spent more than 500 $ for nothing, wasted my time for nothing! Free to play is just a big lie!!! Gaijin needs a boycott to force a change!


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "One of the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of playing paired with worst Developers I've ever seen"

    Posted 2021-06-02

    Pros: Dopamine when you get kills and that's about it. The only thing rewarding about this game is if you end up lucky enough to get even more than one kill.

    Cons: Everything else. Basically get punished for trying to play objective, worst balancing I've ever seen in a multiplayer game, extremely pay to win, spawn camping is essentially a must in ground battles and makes the game infuriating when on the receiving end, takes far too long to research anything and whenever you do you'll eventually run out of silver lions to buy anything you research since it costs so much to do anything (even switching your tanks costs silver lions) unless you pay money for premium. Planes in ground battles are a menace and are basically used 90% for revenge killing. And all this might be tolerable if Gaijin could actually make a single good map, and if you don't want to play on the rest of their garbage maps luckily they have a filter option to remove them from the queue... but only if you pay money for premium.

    Overall: Complete garbage, I'd rather be set on fire than have to play this crap for another 100 hours. Do not waste your time.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Worst online game in 2021"

    Posted 2021-05-29

    Pros: Look of the vehicles. This is the only pro. Anything else in the game is a total failure. No more pros.

    Cons: - Active personal data collecting and stealing
    - "Free-to-play" but you are forced to pay or leave.
    - Graphics
    - Events
    - Matchmaking
    - Battle rating system
    - Technical datas
    - Extreme system requirement
    - Unstabile servers
    - Fictive vehicles
    - Incredible high repair costs
    - Extremely high hacker count
    - Incompetent support, who does not care with players
    - Mixed battle for ground vehicles and air force
    - Battlepass system
    - Bugs all over the game (physics bugs, sound bugs, visual bugs)

    Overall: As an official game reviewer, I have checked thousands of forums, thousands of gameplay videos to get prepared. But you cannot get prepared that you will face with when you start playing with War Thunder.
    You have to register an account which is average. You need a living e-mail address. This is OK. But there is a game store and a market area. At game store, you can buy golden eagles, vehicles, packages for real money. At the market, you can buy or sell ingame elements for gaijin tokens and here comes the personal data stealing. To join the market, you have to add your address (Nation, city, street, number of your house, postal code, real name, phone number). If you don't, you cannot access the market.
    Premium or free user:
    There is an extremely big difference between premium and free users. As a free user, you are not allowed to use the 70% of the game content. As a free user, you receive a 60% penalty on everything. For example is you ear 1000 research points in a battle, you will receive 400 of it for free, and 600 will put to "pay for it if you need it" section which is called "free research points" (it is disgusting).
    You will receive a 60% penalty on RNG too, which means, that you have 60% less chance to penetrate or destroy an enemy vehicle. As a free user, you are not going to be able to use tank destroyers, medium tanks or heavy tanks from the mid-level of the tech tree, because the repair costs are much higher than the income you can generate in a battle. So a free user can play with light tanks or SPAA only from the mid-level of the tech tree.
    This is an awful shame. The server is set to BR +/-1 in realistic battles. But it is
    from BR +1 to BR +3 for free players and BR +/-1 for premium users. It means, that you will always suffer as a free user.
    Technical datas:
    All the technical datas are incorrect. The only correct thing in war thunder is the looklike and (mostly) the name of the vehicles. The thickness of armor, the type of armor, the bend of the armor, the dimensions of the vehicles, ammunition types and penetration, speed of the vehicles datas are totally fictive, so this game NEVER WILL BE A SIMULATOR!! Some examples: T-34-85 armor penetration is 148mm with APHE (Armor Piercing High Explosive" and a95mm with APCR (Armor Piercing Composite, Rigid). Think about it: A Tiger H1 or Tiger E has 102mm frontal armor, so the T-34-85 can easily penetrate it. Is this realistic? Don't think so. A sherman with the old, short barreled cannon can easily penetrate a Tiger H1 or a Tiger E in War Thunder. Let' see some speed datas: Tiger II H and Tiger II P, JgTiger can move on terrain with 42km/h, IS-1, IS-2 42km/h on terrain, IS-3 40km/h on terrain, IS-4 43km/h on terrain, T-10M 50km/h on terrain. These are heavily armored vehicles from 44 to 150 tons. This is just not real.
    Fictive vehicles:
    There are several vehicles in War thunder which were never built or built as a prototype for testing, but never uses. Like IS-7 with 6 prototype built, never used, Object 279 with 5 built prototype, never used, Object 906 with 6 built prototype, never used, Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus with 2 built prototype, never used, E-100 with never built vehicle, A33 (Excelsior) with 2 built prototypes and so on. Is this realistic and can told as a simulator? Never!
    Mixed battles:
    There are several game modes in War Thunder like arcade/realistic ground battles, arcade/realistic air battles, naval battles and simulator battles. The realistic ground battle is mixed with airplanes and helicopter, which sound fun, but it is not. If you want to play with tanks against other tanks, than War Thunder in not a choice for you! Airplanes and helicopters dominates the tank battles. In most cases you are going to be destroyed by a plane or a helicopter in tank battles.
    Unstabile servers:
    This is an average story. Daly 5-10 server lags and DCs. You can do nothing against it and the gaijin staff will do nothing against it.
    The game is full of with bugs. The sound is scrachy, the sound of the planes bugs after you change point of view (for example when you switch to gunner view from 3rd person view than back to 3rd person view). The vehicles can stack on asphalt without a reason, turret can jammed without any damage and so on.
    This game has the highest level of hackers. The basic is ESP and aim hack. But there are several other types of hacks. Some player can teleport 3 km, can climb on walls or on textures, where nobody else can climb on, some players can play with totally destroyed vehicles. The velocity of the ammunitions can be modified too. You can modifie (it is hacking) a 795 m/s velocity, 122mm caliber with the weight of 25 kg APHE ammunition to 1750 m/s velocity, 122mm caliber ammunition. What will this cause? This will cause that the 122mm ammunition will have the same characteristics as an APFSDS ammunition with the weight of 5 kg and 1750 m/s velocity. Alex, a member of the gijin staff sent me a message, that I can buy official and totally legal hack from him. This is the shamest thing I ever saw.
    Gaijin staff and support:
    This is an extreme weak point in War Thunder. I have bought golden eagles from the game store of War Thunder. I have received my bill, I have received the feedback, that the transaction done and the money was sent to gaijin, but I haven't received the golden eagles. I have turned to the support, sent them the bill, the feedback from my bank, that the money was sent. The support answered 1 week later, that these are not evidences, they are not going to give me golden eagles and they will not pay my money back. There are sure, that I've missed something. It is nonsense, you cannot make mistakes with it. And after you receive a feedback from your bank that your money was sent to gaijin, that means that they have stolen this amount from you. I have found a bug, where the turret stacks in a position after you upgrade the turret rotation system on your tank. I have sent this issue to the support, who said, they can do nothing with it, just add a comment to "moderated feedback" on the official forum site with screenshots or videos. I've decided to do this, but something happened, I was not allowed to use the official forum site due to my nationality. After I have changed my nationality in my account settings, I was allowed to enter the official forum site. I've added this issue with a video 2 month ago, no answer received yet.

    So no! Totally no! This game must be deleted from the internet, Gaijin must be closed, because it it a datastealer, money stealer crap!


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "Not for lite gamers "

    Posted 2021-05-26

    Pros: Multitude of game modes for every type of player. Decent graphics though not the best. Little to no hackers.

    Cons: Pay to win isn't true but it isn't wrong. Biggest con is the camouflage in ground battles that's it. Premium vehicles can be killed by regular vehicles so yeah. There is a small grind as long as it not trying to unlock every vehicle.

    Overall: Enjoyable game, better in squad. Chat is lively. I really have enjoyed the experience especially the realistic ground war. I've gotten two countries with tier five in less than 2 weeks. A month probably for tier 7.


  • Probability You Would Recommend?

    "So clearly none of the reviewers here actually played the game. I have over 5000 hours here, so let me give you my absolutely unbiased rundown of this horrible game that i love"

    Posted 2021-05-18

    Pros: - Incredible graphics: If you set this bad boy up right, you will feel like you are in some sort of action movie with the incredible clouds, great fire, and the newly added sparks along with the flares and missile plooms

    - Good sound design: Gaijin is constantly updating the sounds with newer and historically accurate sounds that they get from real vehicles and wepons, with the newest addition being to Swedish armor.

    - Good Physics: While they can be a bit buggy from time to time, the physics in this game are pretty spot on in Realistic & Simulator battles. Tanks preform as you would expect, and maneuvering in aircraft is as real as it can get outside of DCS World. Wing flutter and bending was also recently added and looks incredible on fast jets and long winged bombers such as the JU 288.

    - Gameplay: I can neither put this as a pro or a con, but i think it leans a bit more to a pro so i'll put it here. Depending on the nation you are playing, the game-mode you are playing, and the BR you are playing at, this game can either be a fustercluck, or the largest dopamine hit you have had in your life. This game will CONSTANTLY tear you down and build you up, which in my opinion makes for an incredible game, and is probably what has kept me here for well over 5,000 hours. Take it from someone who has over 200 battles in each game mode in the game with exception to Simulator battles.

    Cons: - P2W: The Pay to win in this game is pretty tame if i'm honest. There are very few premium vehicles in the game that i would call OP, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Overall not too bad, but could use some fixing.

    - P2P: The pay to play aspect of this game is a bit more of a problem on the other hand. While it is not needed to play the game, a Premium account is very useful at higher tiers and will set you back $50 even sale, or over $100 if you are impatient and not willing to wait. And i'll be honest here, i've probably spent well over $250 on this game, but only on premium time and vehicles. And if i hadn't waited for sales on those, it would be well over $500. My advice, only buy anything when its on sale.

    - Performance: WT does have a few minor performance issues, but these can usually be solved by using lower graphics settings. Go figure, a beautiful game like this is gonna take up a ton of GPU processing, and i only have a GTX 1060 lmao.

    Overall: Honest, it's hard to talk about this game in an "Overall" way. Seriously i'd probably be typing here for an hour. All i can say, is that it takes a lot of starting dedication to get into this game, and you've really gotta push through those moments where it tears you down if you wanna give it a chance.
    My "Overall" advice, give this game a try for at least 100-200 hours before you set it down for good. And if you wanna have some fun starting off, i HIGHLY recommend starting with the German tanks, or American & British aircraft, and if you are feeling adventurous, go try out Sweden for a mix of both.

    Also an important message, DO NOT PLAY NAVAL. Unless it's for a challenge reward.

    Thank you for reading :)


Warthunder Object 906 Repair Cost Too High

Source: https://sourceforge.net/software/game/War-Thunder/

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