Birth by Sleep Aqua Trinity Limit Final Boss

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Trinity Limit Power?

  • Thread starter Another Key
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Another Key

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Trinity Limit was supposed to be somewhat of a signature attack for Sora, Donald and Goofy since kh1 (Although, they totally failed at actually making it usable in KH1, the cost of using it was way too much, in Re:COM and KH2 it was better implemented and in Days, Xion's Final Form used it, further signifying its position). Yet the power Trinity Limit has some hidden mechanic. I originally read this on KH Wiki(Yes I know, not reliable) but I recently experienced it on KH1 and BBS. KH Wiki stated that the damage done by Trinity Limit is related to your characters OVERALL status, even Drive Forms in KH2. I didnt really believe that, but then I decided to test it. On BBS the difference is EXTREMELY drastic. My level 80 Ven with 80 percent completion cannot even kill an enemy(Yes, even in Dwarf Woodlands) and my Level 99 100 percent completion Ventus KILLS EVERYTHING. YES EVERYTHING, Tornadoes in Keyblade Graveyard, Every enemy on screen-wiped out. I was like WTF?. So I tried this on KH1, same results. Yet, on BBS it can only do like A VERY SMALL amount of damage to a boss. I tried this on Ven's Final Boss, and despite being level 99 it did only around 20 Hp damage.

According to what I have seen, Trinity Limit does damage based on some hidden mechanic, its pretty nerdy to even try to find out what, but Im wondering what the heck is up with it. Oh and in case your wondering, Trinity Limit DOES NOT do damage based on the Magic stat. Terra, Ven, and Aqua all wipe all out all enemies on my 100 percent complete save files, but cant kill an enemy at level 80, and all do the same damage to bosses. Feel free to test this on your save files, its true.

Possible Theories:
The Trinity Trophy in BBS Boosts the power of Trinity Limit

The Power of Trinity Limit is based on your completion of the game(OMFG, that would be epic)

Trinity Limit is based on your level(Unlikely)

Has anybody looked into this? Because if the developers of the game put effort into that attack, I definetly want to look into it, because Ive always loved Trinity Limit, and this is actually pretty cool.

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Birth by Sleep Aqua Trinity Limit Final Boss


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